Oh, dearie me, bodybuilders at it again
Well, I was (though it pains me to say it) on the money in my last post, especially about Moat's last post. He's dead, killed by his own hand or that of the police, or a mix of both. We've yet to see what part steroids played in his final week but probably not a very significant one.
Raoul Mote is no doubt a very bad man. He has already killed a police officer, wounded another and his former girlfriend. Today he is still at large, well armed and hiding out in a vast tract of Northumbria, England.
What the media will focus on is 'roid-rage'. Yes, steroids can cause unpredictable mood swings. But what they most likely do is exacerbate pre-existing mental health or emotional conditions. So if you're very angry already, you get angrier still.
We'll see calls for more legislation, a parliament gagging for cheap votes which will support upping the legal costs of using steroids, the inevitable driving underground (further) of steroid use and zero impact on the use of steroids.
So, no change there then huh?