Sick and Dead
Well, I was (though it pains me to say it) on the money in my last post, especially about Moat's last post. He's dead, killed by his own hand or that of the police, or a mix of both. We've yet to see what part steroids played in his final week but probably not a very significant one.
But what sickens me about the whole sorry saga is the disgraceful behaviour of so many people. If you want to see what a fairly representative selection of the police thought about it visit police blogs. I like PC Bloggs , she's consistently funny and informative and, despite her sometimes snidey comments about the public/media/crims/colleagues I detect (no pun intended) a deep-seated liberal disposition. She mentions 'The Guardian' a lot. But OMG you should read some of the stuff her colleagues write in response to her pieces. Bigoted, racist, stringing up's too good for them and in some cases nauseating self-pity. Yes, the police have a tough job, yes they put their lives on the line, but so do many other public servants.
I couldn't believe the ghastly TV footage of Moat's last minutes, the ghoulish print pictures and articles and now Moat's family queuing up to slag off the police. Actually, given the circs I thought they (the police) did a reasonable job: a) They found him, b) another Whitehaven did not happen, c) no one else was killed. In all probability Moat did kill himself, Tasered or not he would have done so anyway. It's what sociopaths do, it's the ultimate control-freakery because it denies us all the chance to see him in court and satisfy ourselves that he pays the price for his crimes. Shipman did the same. When they do these things i.e. suicide it's the final act of control, cant control anything else, then they control the manner of their death.
Bit of a rant there, just wanted it off my chest.
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