
Friday, February 02, 2007

I Need Police Help!!

I've thoroughly enjoyed the comment and discussion with my blogging police colleagues over the last few months/weeks, but now I need your thoughts - and any thoughts of your contacts at home or abroad.

I live in a nice place near a nice town. The view from my bedroom window is shown on this post. It's a recreation field owned by the local Parish Council, which means it's owned very locally. It's incredibly well used (the photo was taken at about 7.a.m recently, just to show its beautiosity). The local kids' football clubs use it for training and matches, dogs get walked, teenagers hang out on it in the summer and yes, a little dope is smoked by them and probably some naughty alcohol drunk too. The latter (teenage kids ((and I own some)) can be a bit of a pain during the summer, a bit noisy late at night - but hell it's better than having them hanging around street corners or joyriding round the streets.
The district council has now decided in its wisdom that this piece of lovelyness could comfortably hold 50 new houses. A greenfield development that not only destroys a vital piece of recreation land but will in my view completely f*** up the local community. And I don't care about house prices, I don't think the price of mine will go down as a result of any build; it just seems so stupid to destroy this land for 50 houses. What's more, I support the idea of building more houses for local essential workers e.g new cops, nurses and other relatively low-paid workers - why shouldn't they live somewhere nice like I do? But if they do build on this piece of land then those very same workers won't have anywhere for their kids to play (did I mention a playpark will go down under the JCB's too?) with the obvious results - hanging around on the streets, frightening the older residents, getting in to trouble..... and oh I can't keep on with this.
So if you - or anyone else can give me ideas about the consequences for law 'n' order this type of development might bring, or even if you think I'm wrong please post your comments.