
Friday, February 22, 2008

Ghastly Stuff Happened

So 'Steve' Wright (why not Steven? Why grant him the dignity of a nickname?) has gone down for a long, long time.


Why do I care? Well he killed 5 sex workers - at least- and in the most disadainful, self gratifying way. Taking advantage of women who were on the streets to earn a little cash to pay for their big habits. But here's the thing, and yes I am very cross about this - why did it take their deaths to galvanise the drug services, the police and all the rest in to taking care of women who have to take care of business?

It's very simple. Sex workers (I refuse to call them prostitutes; they're women, mothers, daughters too) are still considered to be lowlifes. Not worth bothering about.

Well they are worth bothering about. Why wasn't an easy access methadone or other treatment programme available to them years ago? It was where I worked, althought it's proving hideously difficult to get one going where I work now. Why weren't the police getting stuck in to the 'demand side'? Which idiots in the NHS weren't getting the women in to the STD clinics? Oh, I could go on but why bother? It's Friday night and I'm middle-class, safe and warm at home - and they're not they're dead. And no doubt some of their colleagues will be too in the future.


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