
Monday, February 18, 2008

How to ensure a drug gets used.

Here are the ground rules.

1. As a government agency put out press releases which ensure maximum prime-time coverage. You could be the police, Home Office, Dept of Health etc.

2. Claim that the drug you are concerned about a) comes from the US thereby conferring mysterious foreign drug status and b) that it is really poky and dangerous stuff.

3. Also claim that you are 'warning' the public not to take it.

4. Make sure you have widely publicised its romantic street name e.g Crystal Meth.

5. Tell us that there isn't much of it around at the moment then helpfully add that details of how to make it can be easily found on the WonderWeb.

6. Try to put up a former user of the drug (FDU) who can report on his or her 'drug hell'. This is especially exciting to the media. But tends to miss the point that the FDU has survived the drug hell to tell the tale which suggests it (the drug) might not be quite as dangerous as everyone thought.

7. Recommend setting up a task-force which will target the drug and do your career no harm at all in the process.

8. Sit back and watch as the drug becomes established on the scene despite all your warnings.

There, easy isn't it?


At 6:31 AM, Blogger PositivelyJim said...

Brilliant little piece. As someone who works in the addiction and recovery field, I can tell you that's EXACTLY what happens.

I just finished reading about six completely inane stories about meth this morning, and coming across your blog was totally refreshing. Keep blogging - we need more like this to wake the public up.

Jim Stephens
Executive Director
All Positive Options

At 6:07 PM, Blogger Howard Wilson said...

Are you saying there's some establishment 'dealing' going on, if so, I'd go along with that as they need the cash to fund the arms purchases.

At 6:50 AM, Blogger Drugsblogger said...

Well thanks for the comments. Yes I'm afraid the stories about meth will carry on in just the same way they did about crack, smack and so on......

As for the establishment dealing? I don't know, but a permanent war on drugs involving the military does seem a good way of attracting more funding for the military. Which is sad because in my view they need much more funding for Afghanistan where there really is a risk that it will collapse (Afghanistan) back in to a failed state with all that implies.


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