Gamble, Gamble, Gamble
Good grief, it's gambling madness out there. The media have (has?) suddenly woken up to the interesting fact that there is a new gambling act about to come in to play - so to speak. What we are seeing now is a classic addiction issue. An increase in availability of a drug, in this case gambling, inevitably leads to an increase in use of the drug with an inescapable fallout. By that I mean the social and health downside. More family breakdown, jobs lost, debt, crime, homelessness ...... But what the Australian experience of gambling liberalisation tells us is that despite the downside the government (of whatever hue) becomes itself addicted to the mothers' milk of hugely increased tax revenues. And they can't give it up.
I've deleted this comment because it's one of the banes of blogging life - the invasion of junk comments. As if we don't get enough spam and other rubbish over the internet now we have to put up with the twits who post a comment along the lines of 'this is a nice blog.....earn $5000 and so on. Die you swine die.
The last thing we need in this country are super casino's as they are called.
You are right that it will attract other crime like drugs and fuel alcoholism.
Thanks for the thought.
I share your sentiments on Gambling, but for a different reason. The way I see it, The Govt want super Casino's and tax revenue because the increased pressure on not smoking (the biggest addiction of them all) has started to take effect. The net effect to them is a huge loss in revenue. Hence, If we can addict our working class drones to Gambling, we can address the taxation shortfalls. Clever bunnies aren't they?
Totally - that's an interesting thought. but the evidence is that people who are already addicted to something e.g. gambling are also likely to be addicted to something else, e.g. fags, booze, drugs; well anything really.
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